emergepay Integration Checklist
Getting started
- Choose your integration method:
- Not sure? Check out our demo pages for each:
- Looking for hardware? Check out our Supported Devices
- Still not sure? Reach out to us at Contact Developer Support
Request credentials or use ours
- For your own test credentials, please Contact Developer Support
- If you want to use our shared demo credentials, you can locate them on the emergepay Environments and Assets page.
- Be advised:
- Keep these safe as they’re a direct link to your payment account and should never be visible on the client/customer side.
- We whitelist domains for added security, so don’t worry if you get an error on your site, one of our Integration Specialists at Developer Support can help.
Start a transaction
Your goal in this step is to put together a transaction object using the fields in the documentation below. Please review our available transaction methods within each integration method:
Are you using a device?
- Make sure you review our steps on including additional fields and methods when integrating a payment device below:
- Simple Checkout Form- Modal- Device
- Custom Checkout Form- Form Fields- Device
- Embedded Payment Form- URL Page- Device
- Best Practices:
- Are you passing us AVS? One of the easiest ways to protect your merchants from chargebacks is by reviewing your input fields and ensuring you are passing the billing_address and billing_postal_code information to merchants.
- A unique UUID is a happy UUID: please generate a unique UUID each time you start a new sale, even if the last one didn’t finish/failed/etc.
Present payment
Your goal within this step is to call the emergepay interface and use it to accept the payment card information.
- Modal- Present payment
- Form Fields- Present payment
- URL Page- Present payment
- Want us to store the payment card so you can use it later? Check out our Tokenized Transactions. Your transaction result and an API call is all it takes!
Transaction results
In this step, you will want to guarantee you are receiving results on your payments by using our postback or retrieval methods. Receiving reliable results is key for any integration, you can Poll us directly, or have us Post them to a URL of your choice.
Transaction acknowledgment
Let us know you got the results so we can mark the transaction as happily finished!
Start processing
Decide on an account and get production credentials from your Integration Specialist.
You're all done!
You have completed your integration with Gravity Payments. If you have any future integration issues, please reach out to our Developer Support Team.
If your merchants are experiencing any issues, please contact our 24/7 Technical Support Team via email at support@gravitypayments.com or give them a call 866-701-4700.