400 |
"message": "Failed validation",
"target": "base_amount",
"recoverable": true |
/orgs/{oid}/transactions/start |
User attempted to start a CreditSale but set the required field base_amount to an unsupported value (Ex: 0, string, negative value) |
400 |
"message": "Unrecognized field",
"target": "base_amount",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to start a CreditSaveCard but included the base_amount field in the request |
400 |
"message": "Unrecognized field",
"target": "tip_amount",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to start a CreditSaveCard/CreditReturn/AchSale/AchReturn but included the tip_amount field in the request |
400 |
"message": "field value is missing",
"target": "",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to start an CreditSale transaction but did not include required fields in the request |
400 |
"message": "Field Id's must be unique.",
"target": "Duplicated fields: 'tip_amount, external_tran_id, billing_name, billing_address, billing_postal_code, transaction_reference, cashier_id'.",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to start a CreditSale transaction but included duplicates of the optional fields |
400 |
"message": "conflicting fields [prompt_tip: 'true' and tip_amount: '0.01']. both have positive values",
"target": "prompt_tip | tip_amount",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to start a Device based CreditSale transaction but included both prompt_tip and a tip_amount. This is not supported |
400 |
"message": "Failed validation",
"target": "prompt_tip",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to start a Device based CreditSale transaction but set prompt_tip to something other than a boolean value |
400 |
"message": "Unrecognized field",
"target": "tip_prompt",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to start a Device based CreditSale transaction but set prompt_tip to incorrectly at "tip_prompt" |
400 |
"message": "prompt_tip cannot be set to 'true' for manual entry. prompt_tip set to 'true' is only valid for device based transactions.",
"target": "prompt_tip | device_name",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to start a Device based AchSale transaction but set prompt_tip. ACH does not support devices or tips. Or the device_name wasn't included which causes the endpoint to process this start transaction as a keyed transaction. |
400 |
"message": "Invalid JSON: should NOT have additional properties",
"target": "body.transactionData" |
User attempted to add a tip_amount to a void of a CreditSale request body |
400 |
"message": "Void is not valid on an original transaction type of Adjustment",
"recoverable": false |
User attempted to void an adjustment transaction which is not supported |
400 |
"message": "Unrecognized field",
"target": "tip_amount",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to add a tip_amount to the request body of a tokenized Credit Return |
400 |
"message": "Invalid JSON: should NOT have additional properties",
"target": "body.transactionData" |
/orgs/{oid}/transactions/void |
User attempted to add a prompt_tip to the request body of a tokenized Credit Sale |
400 |
"message": "The original transaction is not a tippable transaction.",
"recoverable": false |
User attempted to adjust the a transaction where the uniqueTransId came from a un-tippable transaction type (Ex: Credit Return, Adjust, Force, Void, AchSale, etc) |
400 |
"message": "Failed validation",
"target": "base_amount",
"recoverable": true |
/orgs/{oid}/transactions/tokenizedPayment |
User attempted to adjust the base_amount on a CreditSale transaction which is not supported |
400 |
"message": "Failed validation",
"target": "tip_amount",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted to adjust the tip_amount on a CreditSale transaction with an unsupported value (Ex: negative value, string, etc) |
400 |
"message": "A \"CreditSale\" can only be adjusted with \"adjustmentType\" set to SaleAdjust, and can only have the tip adjusted.",
"recoverable": false |
/orgs/{oid}/transactions/adjust |
User attempted an adjustment but passed in an incorrect value for the adjustmentType in the request body |
400 |
"message": "Invalid JSON: should have required property 'adjustmentType'",
"target": "body.transactionData" |
User attempted an adjustment but did not pass in the required adjustmentType value in the request body |
400 |
"message": "Invalid JSON: should have required property ''",
"target": "body.transactionData" |
User attempted an adjustment but did not pass in the required fiields in the request body (Ex: unqiueTransId, externalTransId, etc) |
400 |
"message": "field value is missing",
"target": "tip_amount",
"recoverable": true |
User attempted an adjustment of a CreditSale but did not supply the required tip_amount field in the request body |
400 |
"message": "Neither a tipAmount or amount were included in the request. At least one amount field must be sent in the request for adjustmentType \"AuthAdjust\".",
"recoverable": false |
User attempted an adjustment of a CreditAuth but did not supply the required tip_amount or amount field in the request body |
400 |
"message": "The transaction has been voided or forced and is no longer adjustable.",
"recoverable": false |
User attempted to adjust the base or tip_amount on a CreditAuth transaction after it had been forced (captured) |