ACH Error Codes

Request Code Status Code Error Message Endpoint Cause
POST 400 Transaction type AchSale is not in the allowed list for this oid /orgs/{oid}/transactions/start Location has not been updated in Maven to set AchSale/AchReturn as allowed transaction types
POST 400 "message": "Unrecognized field", "target": "billing_name", User attempted to start an ACH transaction with optional field billing_name included in the request body. This is not a supported field for ACH (conflicts with required accountCardHolder name in the UI for ACH transactions)
POST 400 "message": "Unrecognized field", "target": "tip_amount", User attempted to start an ACH transaction with optional field tip_amount included in the request body. This is not a supported field for ACH
POST 400 "message": "Unrecognized field", "target": "device_name", User attempted to start a DEVICE ACH transaction. Devices are not supported with ACH
POST 400 "message": "hostedFields does not currently support ACH transactions", "target": "transactionType", User attempted to start an ACH transaction using hosted fields. Only modal/urlPage supported ACH at this time.
POST 400 "message": "field value is missing", "target": "base_amount", User attempted to start an ACH transaction but did not include required base_amount field in the request
PUT 400 "message": "Tips are not permitted on ACH transactions", "recoverable": false UniqueTransId from an ACH transaction was used in a tokenized ACH transaction, but the request body included unsupported field "tip_amount"
PUT 400 "message": "The original transaction is not a tippable transaction.", "recoverable": false User attempted to adjust an ACH transaction (base_amount). This is not supported