Additional Error Codes

Numeric CodeDescriptionAdditional Information
00001Password/Username IncorrectSent by login screen when the username and/or the password are incorrect.
00002Access to page denied The user has attempted to access a page they don't have permission to access.
00003Transaction type [type] not supported Please contact support. Is returned by /console/vterm.php when an unknown transaction type (sale, credit, etc) is attempted.
00004Processing gateway currently offlinePlease try back in a few moments. Return by processing engine when the gateway cannot establish a connection with the processing backend.
00005Error in verification module Please contact support, the given fraud module was did not load correctly. An upgrade may be in progress.
00006Merchant not found. The system was not able to locate the requested merchant.
00007Merchant has been deactivated Merchant account has been marked as deactivate. Contact Gravity Payments customer service.
00008Unable to retrieve current batch Failed to get the id of the current batch. Typically this indicates that the merchant account is not active or batches are out of sync. Verify all merchant account info provided to Gravity Payments.
00009Unable To Create Transaction Please Contact Support. Internal database
00010Unable To Allocate Transaction Slot Please contact support. Internal database error, system may be in the process of failing over to backup database server. Retry transaction.
00011Invalid Card Number (1) The card number contains illegal characters. A card number may only include numbers.
00012Invalid Card Number (2) Card Number was not between 13 and 16 digits.
00013Invalid Card Number (3) Card number failed Luhn Mod-10 Check digit Method (ISO 2894/ANSI 4.13)
00014Invalid Credit Card Number (1) Card number passed length, format and check digit tests but didn't match any of the card number profiles enabled in the system. Contact Gravity Payments to verify support of card type.
00015Invalid expiration date Must be in MMYY format. Expiration contains invalid characters (nothing but numbers allowed)
00016Invalid expiration date Must be in MMYY format. Could not guess format of date. It wasn't MMYY or MMYYYY or MMDDYYYY or even MMDDYY format.
00017Credit card has expired The credit card expiration date has passed.
00018Gateway temporarily offline Please try again shortly. Unable to contact processor backend. Failed bank link maybe in the process of coming back up. Retry transaction
00019Gateway temporarily offline for maintenance Please try again in a few minutes. Processor backend is offline for maintenance. Retry transaction.
00020User not configured correctly, please contact support User not configured correctly. Remove the user and re-add.
00021Invalid username The merchant didn't type in a valid username when adding a new user.
00022You do not have access to this page The user tried to access a page they don't have permission to access.
00023Specified source key not found The source key provided did not match any of the currently active keys.
00024Transaction already voided The transaction was already marked as voided and wasn't going to be settled anyway.
00025Unable to find transaction in batch The batchid on the transaction references a batch that doesn't exist. If there isn't a valid batch then trying to void a transaction isn't going to do much.
00026The batch has already been closed Please apply a credit instead. The specified transaction has already been settled. Once a transaction has been sent in for settlement it cannot be voided.
00027Gateway temporarily offline Please try again shortly. (2) Error communicating with the processing backend. Retry transaction.
00028Unable to verify source Verify Source couldn't find the source or the source was disabled.
00029Unable to generate security key Verify Source wasn't able to create a source on the fly. Trouble finding a key.
00030Source has been blocked from processing transactions Merchant has disabled the specified source key.
00031Duplicate transaction, wait at least [minutes] minutes before trying again The duplicate transaction fraud module detected a dupe
00032The maximum order amount is $[amount] Fraud module response.
00033The minimum order amount is $[amount] Fraud module response
00034Your billing information does not match your credit card. Please check with your bank AVS Response fraud module blocked this transaction.
00035Unable to locate transaction Was not able to find the requested transaction for voiding.
00036Gateway temporarily offline for maintenance Please try again in a few minutes. VeriCheck link has been brought down for maintenance. Retry transaction.
00037Customer Name not submitted Cardholder field was blank.
00038Invalid Routing Number Check Routing number did not meet requirement of 9 digits.
00039Invalid Checking Account Number Check Account number is not at least 4 digits long.
00040Merchant does not currently support check transactions The merchant doesn't have a valid tax id or password entered for check processing.
00041Check processing temporarily offline. Please try again shortly Internal system error encountered while communicating with check processor. Please contact Gravity Payments support.
00042Temporarily unable to process transaction. Please try again shortly A corrupted response (unparsable) was received from vericheck.
00043Transaction Requires Voice Authentication. Please Call-In Processor returned a referral.
00044Merchant not configured properly (CardAuth) The merchant has payment authentication enabled but does not have a processorid/merchantid entered.
00045Auth service unavailable Internal system error was encountered while connecting to authentication platform. Contact Gravity Payments support.
00046Auth service unavailable (6) A corrupted response was received from the authentication platform.
00050Invalid SSN Social Security number must be 9 digits.
00070Transaction exceeds maximum amount Transaction exceeds the maximum allowable amount of $99,999.
00071Transaction out of balance Transaction does not add up correctly: subtotal + tip + tax + shipping - discount must equal the amount.
00080Transaction type not allowed from this source The requested command (sale, authonly, etc) was blocked by the merchant's source key. The command must be checked on source key settings screen to be accepted by the gateway.
02034Your billing address does not match your credit card Please check with your bank. The AVS result received from the platform was blocked by the Merchant's fraud preferences. Funds were not held for this transaction.
10001Processing Error Please Try Again Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Transaction Code
10003Merchant does not accept this type of card (1) Error from FDMS Nashville: Terminal ID not set up for settlement on this Card Type.
10004Merchant does not accept this type of card (2) Error from FDMS Nashville: Terminal ID not set up for authorization on this Card Type
10005Invalid Card Expiration Date Error from FDMS Nashville Terminal ID not set up for settlement on this Card Type.
10006Merchant does not accept this type of card (3) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Process Code, Authorization Type or Card Type.
10007Invalid amount Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Transaction or Other Dollar Amount.
10008Processing Error Please Try Again (08) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Entry Mode.
10009Processing Error Please Try Again (09) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Card Present Flag.
10010Processing Error Please Try Again (10) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Customer Present Flag.
10011Processing Error Please Try Again (11) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Transaction Count Value.
10012Processing Error Please Try Again (12) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Terminal Type.
10013Processing Error Please Try Again (13) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Terminal Capability.
10014Processing Error Please Try Again (14) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Source ID.
10015Processing Error Please Try Again (15) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Summary ID.
10016Processing Error Please Try Again (16) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Mag Strip Data.
10017Invalid Invoice Number (17) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Invoice Number.
10018Invalid Transaction Date or Time (18) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Transaction Date or Time.
10019Processing Error Please Try Again (19) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid bankcard merchant number in First Data database.
10020Processing Error Please Try Again (20) Error from FDMS Nashville File Access Error in First Data database.
10026Merchant has been deactivated (26) Error from FDMS Nashville Terminal flagged as Inactive in First Data database.
10027Invalid Merchant Account (27) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Merchant/Terminal ID combination, verify numbers are accurate.
10030Processing Error Please Try Again (30) Error from FDMS Nashville Unrecoverable database error from an authorization process (usually means the Merchant/Terminal ID was already in use).
10031Processing Error Please Retry Transaction (31) Error from FDMS Nashville. Database access lock encountered, retry transaction.
10033Processing Error Please Try Again (33) Error from FDMS Nashville Database error in summary process, retry transaction.
10043Sequence Error, Please Contact Support (43) Error from FDMS Nashville Transaction ID invalid, incorrect or out of sequence.
10051Merchant has been deactivated (51) Error from FDMS Nashville Terminal flagged as not usable (violated) in First Data database, Call Customer Support.
10054Merchant has not been setup correctly (54) Error from FDMS Nashville Terminal ID not set up on First Data database for leased line access.
10057Merchant does not support this card type (57) Error from FDMS Nashville Terminal is not programmed for this service, call customer support.
10059Processing Error Please Try Again (59) Error from FDMS Nashville Settle Trans for Summary ID where earlier Summary ID still open
10060Invalid Account Number (60) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid account number found by authorization process.
10061Processing Error Please Try Again (61) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid settlement data found in summary process (trans level).
10062Processing Error Please Try Again (62) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid settlement data (i.e., 'future' date found, erroneous Pserve data found) (summary level).
10080Processing Error Please Try Again (80) Error from FDMS Nashville Invalid Payment Service data found in summary process (trans level).
10098Processing Error Please Try Again (98) Error from FDMS Nashville General System Error.
10099Session timed out. Please re-login Session timed out - (checkout timeout setting).
10100Your account has been locked for excessive login attempts The user failed login too many times. Their account has been locked for 60 minutes.
10101Your username has been de-activated due to inactivity for 90 days Please contact support to re-activate your account. VISA Cisp requires locking of accounts that have not been accessed in the past 90 days.
10102Unable to open certificate. Unable to load required certificate Contact Support.
10103Unable to read certificate. Unable to load required certificate Contact Support.
10104Error reading certificate. Unable to load required certificate Contact Support.
10105Unable to find original transaction A capture or void operation was not able to locate the original transaction.
10106You have tried too many card numbers, please contact merchant The transaction was blocked by the MultipleCardTries module
10107Invalid billing zip code The ZipCodeVerification module was not able to locate the billing zip code.
10108Invalid shipping zip code The ZipCodeValidation fraud module was not able to find module.
10109Billing state does not match billing zip code ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10110Billing city does not match billing zip code ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10111Billing area code does not match billing zip code ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10112Shipping state does not match shipping zip code ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10113Shipping city does not match shipping zip code ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10114Shipping area code does not match shipping zip code ZipCodeVerification database came up with a conflict.
10115Merchant does not accept transactions from [country] IpCountry module blocked transaction.
10116Unable to verify card ID number CVV2, CID, etc result was blocked by CVVresponse fraud module.
10117Transaction authentication required The merchant has set a pin for this transaction but the api did not receive a UMmd5hash. They need to either upgrade their software to send the hash or they need to remove the pin on the source.
10118Transaction authentication failed The UMmd5hash did not match the hash that was calculated for the transaction.
10119Unable to parse mag stripe data Could not determine the mag data format that was sent in.
10120Unable to locate valid installation Please contact support. A wireless transaction came in with an install id that wasn't found in the system.
10121Wireless key disabled Please contact support. The install id submitted has been deleted/disabled.
10122Wireless key mismatch The wireless key submitted does not correspond to the source id created for this installation.
10123SuccessOperation was successful
10124Unsupported transaction type Only authonly, sales and voids may be captured. An attempt was made to settle a transaction that can not be captured. This error will occur if you attempt to capture an echeck transaction.
10125Original transaction not approved You are trying to capture (settle) a transaction that was declined or resulted in an error. You can only capture approved transactions.
10126Transactions has already been settled You are trying to capture a transaction that has already been settled.
10127Card Declined Hard decline from First Data
10128Processor Error ([response]) Unknown response code from First Data Nashville.
10129Invalid transaction data PHP Library detected missing or invalid fields.
10130Library Error CURL support not found PHP Library was not able to find curl support. You must compile php with curl and openssl.
10131Library Error Unable to initialize CURL PHP Library was unable to initialize CURL. SSL support may be missing or incorrectly configured
10132Error reading from card processing gateway PHP Library was received a bad response from the gateway