Test cards & error responses

Testing protocol

The following list of test credit card numbers may be used either within your Test Account or if your device is in Test Mode.

The use of live credit card information in a test environment is strongly discouraged, utilizing our test cards is strongly preferred.

Sandbox testing

While the sandbox test platform does its best to simulate what you will see in production, there may be subtle differences on a live account.

Test cards

These are our preferred test cards and designated responses that you should see when processing within your test environment.


Card Number Expiration CVV2 Code AVS Response CVV2 Response
4000100011112224 0925 any YYY M
4000100111112223 0925 any YYX M
4000100211112222 0925 any NYZ M
4000100311112221 0925 any NYW M
4000100411112220 0925 any YNA M
4000100511112229 0925 any NNN M
4000100611112228 0925 any XXW M
4000100711112227 0925 any XXU M
4000100811112226 0925 any XXR M
4000100911112225 0925 any XXS M
4000101011112222 0925 any XXE M
4000101111112221 0925 any XXG M
4000101211112220 0925 any YYG M
4000101311112229 0925 any GGG M
4000101411112228 0925 any YGG M
4000101511112227 0925 any NN M
4000101611112226 0925 any N/A M

Test ACH information

The following list of test check information is made available for testing check processing functionality on our Sandbox system.

The account data should not be used in production.

987654321AnyAnyErrorInvalid routing Number
AnyAny5.99DeclineReturned check for this account
AnyAny9999.99ManagerApprovalWarning: You have exceeded your allocated monthly transaction volume

Any other combination of 9 digit routing number and account number will return an approval

All approved transactions will be moved to “submitted” at 5pm PST and on the following day at 8am PST will move to “settled”. The following account numbers will trigger returns at 8am on the 3rd day.

Routing Account Amount Response Reason
Any 10178101 Any Returned R01: Insufficient Funds
Any 10178102 Any Returned R02: Account Closed
Any 10178103 Any Returned R03: No Account/Unable to Locate Account
Any 10178104 Any Returned R04: Invalid Account Number
Any 10178106 Any Returned R06: Returned per Originating Depository Financial Institution’s Request
Any 10178107 Any Returned R07: Authorization Revoked by Customer
Any 10178108 Any Returned R08: Payment Stopped
Any 10178110 Any Returned R10: Customer Advises not Authorized
Any 10178116 Any Returned R16: Account Frozen

Partial Authorizations

Card NumberExpirationAuthorized amount
4000000011112275092550% of amount processed
4000000011112283092575% of amount processed

The following list of responses are from processing transactions on test credit card numbers either on the Test Account or in Test Mode.

Error responses

Please review our list of designated error responses that you should receive within the specified scenarios. Before completing your testing, please confirm that your integration successfully returns the same error responses that we have documented below.

CVV2 responses

Card Number Expiration CVV2 Code AVS Response CVV2 Response
4000200011112222 0925 any YYY M
4000200111112221 0925 any YYY N
4000200211112220 0925 any YYY P
4000200311112229 0925 any YYY S
4000200411112228 0925 any YYY U
4000200511112227 0925 any YYY X
5555444433332226 0925 any YYY M
5555444433332234 0925 any YYY N
5555444433332242 0925 any YYY P
5555444433332259 0925 any YYY S
5555444433332267 0925 any YYY U
5555444433332275 0925 any YYY X
371122223332225 0925 any YYY M
371122223332233 0920 any YYY n/a
371122223332241 0925 any CVV2 No Match (Decline)
6011222233332224 0925 any YYY M
6011222233332232 0925 any YYY N
6011222233332240 0925 any YYY P
6011222233332257 0925 any YYY S
6011222233332265 0925 any YYY U
6011222233332273 0925 any YYY X

CVV2 Response Code Definitions

The following is a list of result codes for the CVV2/CVC2/CID verification system and what each one indicates. These codes are returned in the UMcvv2ResultCode variable and provide developers with greater control over the CVV2 system.

Many developers choose to capture and display the UMcvv2Result variable instead. The UMcvv2Result variable contains the meaning of the code rather than the code itself.

Code Meaning
M Match
N No Match
P Not Processed
S Should be on card but not so indicated
U Issuer Not Certified
X No response from association
(blank) No CVV2/CVC data available for transaction

Decline responses

Card Number Expiration CVV2 Code Decline Code Message
4000300011112220 0925 any 10127 Declined
4000300001112222 0925 any 10204 Pickup Card
4000300211112228 0925 any 10205 Do Not Honor
4000300311112227 0925 any 10212 Invalid Transaction
4000300411112226 0925 any 10215 Invalid Issuer
4000300511112225 0925 any 10225 Unable to locate Record
4000300611112224 0925 any 10251 Insufficient funds
4000300711112223 0925 any 10255 Invalid pin
4000300811112222 0925 any 10257 Transaction Not Permitted
4000300911112221 0925 any 10262 Restricted Card
4000301011112228 0925 any 10265 Excess withdrawal count
4000301111112227 0925 any 10275 Allowable number of pin tries exceeded
4000301211112226 0925 any 10278 No checking account
4000301311112225 0925 any 10297 Declined for CVV failure

Referral response

Card NumberExpiration DateCVV2 CodeAVS ResponseCVV2 Response

AVS Result codes

The following is a list of result codes for the Address Verification System (AVS) and what each one indicates. These codes are returned in the UMavsResultCode variable and serve to provide developers with greater control over the AVS system. Many developers may choose to capture and display the UMavsResult variable instead.

The UMavsResult variable contains the meaning of the code, rather than the code itself. Most merchants will receive the codes listed in the code column but depending on the platform they are using, they may receive codes listed in the Alternates column.

AVS Code Alternate Description
YYY Y, YYA, YYD Address: Match & 5 Digit Zip: Match
NYZ Z Address: No Match & 5 Digit Zip: Match
YNA A, YNY Address: Match & 5 Digit Zip: No Match
NNN N, NN Address: No Match & 5 Digit Zip: No Match
YYX X Address: Match & 9 Digit Zip: Match
NYW W Address: No Match & 9 Digit Zip: Match
XXW Card Number Not On File
XXU Address Information not verified for domestic transaction
XXR R, U, E Retry/System Unavailable
XXS S Service Not Supported
XXE Address Verification Not Allowed For Card Type
XXG G, C, I Global Non-AVS participant
YYG B, M International Address: Match & Zip: Not Compatible
GGG D International Address: Match & Zip: Match
YGG P International Address: No Compatible & Zip: Match

CAVV Response Code Definitions

Code Meaning
0 Failed validation – authentication
1 Failed validation – authentication
2 Passed validation – authentication
3 Passed validation – attempt (Authentication was attempted)
4 Passed validation – attempt (Authentication was attempted)
5 Reserved – not used
6 Not validated, issuer not participating
7 Failed validation – attempt (Authentication attempt was performed)
8 Passed validation – attempt (Authentication attempt was performed)
9 Failed validation – attempt (Visa generated, issuer’s ACS was not available)
A Passed validation – attempt (Visa generated, issuer’s ACS was not available)
B Passed validation – information only, no liability shift. (Card or transaction type not eligible for the 3-D Secure service.)
C Not validated – attempt (Issuer did not return a CAVV results code in the authorization response)
D Not validated – authentication (Issuer did not return a CAVV results code in the authorization response)